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Agile Testing durch Example-driven Development

13.10.2009 | 2 Minuten Lesezeit

Agile Testing Days: The Missing Link for ATDD and Example-driven Development von Gojko Adzic

Dieser Blogpost wird ein kleines Twitter-Experiment, denn Gojko’s Vortrag war der am häufigsten dokumentierte Beitrag auf Twitter. Also Bühne frei für „Agile Tweeting“ :-). Ein netter Nebeneffekt ist, dass durch „Retweets“ auch direkt eine Gewichtung für bestimmte Themen entsteht. Have fun!

dwhelan: From Sources of Power: „only 34% of commander expectations are met; yet everyone thought they understood“ #agiletd @gojkoadzic

ThomasJaspers: The key question you have to ask more often in sw development: why #agiletd @gojkoadzic

dwhelan: Requirements are often given to us as a solution to an unknown problem. @gojkoadzic #agiletd

dwhelan: We need to ask why when faced with requirements to drive to real business need. @gojkoadzic #agiletd

ThomasJaspers: Challenge requirements especially if they come in the form of a solution @gojkoadzic #agileTD

dwhelan: Challenge requirements right away with senior people and stakeholders in the room – involve whole team @gojkoadzic #agiletd

dwhelan: To get access to senior people that are very busy – schedule regular meetings as appointment in their calendar. @gojkoadzic #agiletd

ThomasJaspers: How can I make this sound too dangerous for a senior stakeholder to miss? Specification Workshops @gojkoadzic #agiletd

emadb: Requirements are often used as a solution to unknown problem #agileTD @gojkoadzic

dwhelan: If you want busy senior people to attend your meeting. Brand it to make it dangerous if they don’t attend @gojkoadzic #agiletd

ThomasJaspers: Distil the specification -focus on what, not on how @gojkoadzic #agiletd

ThomasJaspers: Avoid the telephone game: Build and evolve the ubiquitous language! Translation hurts, build a common lang in the team @gojkoadzic #agiletd

testobsessed: Loving @gojkoadzic’s session at #agiletd. Great stuff.

dwhelan: Clever: „acceptance tests“ should be minutes from specification workshops @gojkoadzic #agiletd

ThomasJaspers: thanks for a great session 🙂 @gojkoadzic #agiletd

testobsessed: Nice distinction from @gojkoadzic: stories are the scope; acceptance tests are the specification. #agiletd

pekkaklarck: One of the highlights of the conference! RT @testobsessed: Loving @gojkoadzic’s session at #agiletd. Great stuff.

ehsavoie: RT @testobsessed: Nice distinction from @gojkoadzic: stories are the scope; acceptance tests are the specification. #agiletd

rainbowbreeze: Requirements are often used as a solution to unknown problem #agileTD (RT @emadb @gojkoadzic)

ohnlockhart: RT @testobsessed: Nice distinction from @gojkoadzic: stories are the scope; acceptance tests are the specification. #agiletd

baloss: Requirements are often used as a solution to unknown problem #agileTD (RT @emadb @gojkoadzic) (via @rainbowbreeze)

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