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Serverless application for scraping and filtering

26.4.2018 | 6 minutes reading time

In this article, I’m going to write about an application which I wrote for scraping and filtering advertisements from few different websites. The application uses the serverless framework (link ) and runs on AWS and the code is written in Python.

Background story

I am looking for a flat to buy. Since there are lots of recurring adverts on different ad websites, and the same flats are advertised multiple times to be always on the first page of results, I thought it would be an interesting idea to write an application which scrapes the advertisements from different sites and compares them. The main goal is to make a unique list of advertisements which are browseable.

In the past couple of months, I am working with serverless technologies and I came up with the idea to implement this application as a serverless application, document it, and share it in a blog post, as an intro to the serverless world with AWS and serverless framework.

The application is simple enough to understand, yet not a typical hello word application.

You can find the project on my GitLab account here .

Concept of serverless

In a nutshell, serverless means that you do not have to think about the servers. Just write the code which executes the business logic. The provider takes care of the rest (spinning up a container, initialization of the execution environment, code execution, scaling, etc.)

This enables fast project setup and efficient development.

Application architecture

The application is designed to be hosted entirely on AWS. Lambdas are used to implement the business logic (fetching, processing and filtering the advertisements), and serving the processed data through an HTTP endpoint using API Gateway. DynamoDB is used to store the data. A public S3 bucket is used to host the frontend.

The architecture of the application is in the picture below.

The architecture consists of the following functions:

  • scraper – scrapes the advertisements from three different sites for advertising. It extracts the data from the ads, formats the data and puts it into ScrapedAdverts DynamoDB table. This is a scheduled lambda which is executed 3 times per day.
  • aggregator – reads the data from ScrapedAdverts table and processes them. Checks if the given advertisement exists in FilteredAdverts table by performing a similarity check. If the advertisement exists, it is going to be updated. If it does not exists, the data is going to be inserted. This lambda is also scheduled and runs several times per day. It processes only a chunk of data from ScrapedAdverts (the amount of data which is returned in one scan by DynamoDB)
  • adverts_controller – acts as request handler for the API Gateway. It is mapped to GET /adverts/get?page= call.
  • db_cleaner – is executed once per day and cleans the ScrapedAdverts table. It deletes the entries which are older than 15 days.

The frontend is a static website (HTML and JS), which fetches the data from GET /adverts/get?page= endpoint and visualizes it. The next screenshot shows the frontend.

The frontend is hosted in a public S3 bucket and can be reached here . It is a simple static website which fetches and visualizes the data got from adverts_controller. The data is a list of scraped and filtered adverts in JSON format:

2   "items":[
3      {
4         "metadata":[
5            "Key1=Value1",
6            "Key2=Value2"
7         ],
8         "location":[
9            "Location name 1",
10            "Location name 2"
11         ],
12         "area":55,
13         "processed":true,
14         "timestamp":1524463412,
15         "images":[
16            "",
17         ],
18         "text":"Longer description of the property",
19         "link":"",
20         "advertiser":{
21            "name":"Advertiser name",
22            "phones":[
23               "066 1234567",
24               "021 1234567"
25            ]
26         },
27         "price":66000,
28         "title_hash":"11344e17595d494506e87fa61925018b34443016",
29         "title":"Title of advert",
30         "similar_adverts":[
31           {
32             "link":"",
33             "title":"Similar advert 1"
34           }
35         ]
36      }
37   ],
38   "page":0,
39   "number_of_pages":5,
40   "count":124,
41   "page_count":25

Project structure

The project is structured in a way that every function is in its own folder, and has its own dependencies (requirements.txt).
The exceptions are the following directories:

  • test – contains the unit tests.
  • utils – contains common helper functions. The content of this directory is included in every packed function.
  • client/dist – contains the frontend code (HTML and JS).

In the root of the project is the file serverless.yml, which is the main entry point. This file configures the serverless framework for this application.

The project has the following structure:

The serverless.yml

The main entry point of the project is the serverless.yml file. This file tells the serverless framework what do deploy and how.

It consists of the following parts:

  • provider: configures the cloud provider, which is AWS in our case. It defines the runtime, region and other common values which are applied to every function.
  • package: configures the way of packing the functions.
  • functions: defines the lambda functions. Under every function is the configuration for the given function. handler specifies the method which is called when the function is invoked. The global configuration values can be overridden in the functions. event defines what invokes the function.
  • resources: defines the resources which should be created when the application is deployed. The resources part must use CloudFormation syntax.
  • plugins: defines the plugins which are used by the serverless framework.
  • custom: defines the custom variables set by the user and the configuration values for the plugins.

You can find the project’s serverless.yml here .

Below is an example which defines a function, configures an HTTP event for the given function and creates a DynamoDB table:

1service: my-sls-service
4  name: aws
5  runtime: python3.6
6  iamRoleStatements:
7    - Effect: "Allow"
8      Action:
9        - "dynamoDB:*"
10      Resource: "*"
13  individually: true
16  my_controller:
17    handler: lambda_handler.handle
18    module: my_controller
19    environment:
20      USERS_TABLE: Users
21    events:
22      - http:
23          path: users/get/all
24          method: get
27  Resources:
28    usersTable:
29      Type: AWS::DynamoDB::Table
30      Properties:
31        TableName: Users
32        AttributeDefinitions:
33          - AttributeName: email
34            AttributeType: S
35        KeySchema:
36          - AttributeName: email
37            KeyType: HASH
38        ProvisionedThroughput:
39          ReadCapacityUnits: 5
40          WriteCapacityUnits: 5
43  - serverless-python-requirements

The lambda handler

On AWS lambda, when using Python, the function which is used for handling the invocation should have the following signature:

1def handler(event, context):
2    return
  • event holds the data which is passed to function, e.g.: if the handler handles HTTP events, the request body, the query parameters, path parameters, etc. are passed in the event object.
  • context is injected by the AWS lambda runtime, and it can be used to gather information and interact with the runtime. You can find more info about this on this link .

Boto3 library is the de-facto standard in Python to interact with the AWS services. It is available in the AWS Python runtime.

The code which would satisfy the above-given example would look like this:

1import boto3
2from os import environ as env
5def handle(event, context):
6    users_table = boto3.resource('dynamodb').Table(env['USERS_TABLE'])
7    return users_table.scan()['Items']


So far, so good, it’s simple and easy to write functions. But what about the testing? Testing a lambda function by deploying it and invoking, and then watching the logs is a bad idea.

Writing unit tests is a crucial step in writing better code. Fortunately, the lambda functions are easily testable. Moto is a powerful library for testing lambda function. It mocks AWS services like DynamoDB and the mocked service behaves like the real service.

You can find more about testing in the project’s readme file .


We’ve seen that implementing a simple application is easy with the help of the serverless framework and AWS stack.

There are several things which can be added/improved:

  • security: deny all permissions and allow only needed permissions on function level
  • ability to manage ads: add an authenticated user which can manage the scraped adverts
  • make the scraper configurable
  • improve the adverts matching algorithm


Project on my GitLab
Serverless framework
Awesome Serverless

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