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Requirements in Agile Software Development – A Brief Overview

1.4.2014 | 1 minutes reading time

the minimal viable scope for the product, the smallest scope that still brings any value to customer? A user story map arranges user stories into a model helping to understand the functionality of the system, identify holes and omissions in a backlog, and effectively plan releases that deliver value to users and business with each release.
User story mapping allows to create a plan for the whole product which can then be divided into several releases.

Impact Mapping was created by Gojko Adzic and has its roots in the User Experience or UX Effect Mapping method. The idea of impact mapping is to present requirements in a visual way that links together Goals, Actors and Impact to be achieved. This makes it a good tool in order to achieve the link between business goals and functionality to be developed in software during the release, and therefore, very suitable for release planning. Additionally, this method allows to uncover assumptions, it eases prioritization of different stories and provides focus for delivery.

Do you already have experience with methods for gathering and managing requirements in an agile way? Would you like to exchange your experiences or learn more about Impact Mapping? Then visit the Agile Stammtisch Frankfurt. The lightning talk on the next Stammtisch will be on “Impact Mapping”.

The 10th Agile Stammtisch Frankfurt will be on 3rd of April 2014 at 19:00 at “die Zentrale”. Free Registration on XING.


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