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Software Architecture Workshop with Dana Bredemeyer and Meet the Experts

31.8.2010 | 1 minutes reading time

All right, now I’m trying to write the probably shortest post ever published in the codecentric blog … 😉

So, what’s it about?

I just wanted to point out for those who do not know yet that Dana Bredemeyer will conduct his well-known Software Architecture Workshop at codecentric from Sep-13-2010 to Sep-16-2010. Dana haven’t had an open enrollment for this workshop in Germany for almost 10 years and from all I’ve heard about it this will be a great course. So, if you are interested in that workshop and do not want to travel to the United States for that you might want to take a look at .

Also, I wanted to mention our “Meet the Experts” on Sep-17-2010. “New challenges in architecture today” will be the topic. Five well-known speakers, including Dana Bredemeyer, Dr. Gernot Starke and Prof. Dr. Heinz Züllighoven will share their ideas in insights with you. And, as always there will be a lot of time for discussions, networking, open space for your questions, great catering, and so on. So, if that sounds interesting for you, just have a look at

Okay, that’s all I wanted to talk about. I think those sessions will be great stuff, I will be there for sure. And if you will be there too, I’ll be glad to meet you … and if not, maybe we’ll meet some other time …


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