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Agility and EAM

15.4.2010 | 1 minutes reading time

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is an important issue for most enterprises, not only the big ones. But its implementation still bears a lot of risks and the results are often way beyond the initial expectations.

Dr. Ingo Schrewe from incowia GmbH and I wrote an article how agility can help to reduce risk and optimise the results when implementing an EAM. The article was published within the scope of an EAM online special by SIGS-DATACOM and can be downloaded here: http://www.sigs.de/publications/os/2010/EAM/friedrichsen_schrewe_OS_EAM_10.pdf (available in german language only)

Ingo Schrewe and I plan to continue this article by writing some more articles that provide practical guidelines, hints and examples how to establish an agile EAM … whenever we will find the time to write those articles … 😉

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