Does writing Kubernetes Manifests count as writing code? Should we still bother to test it? Sure! And with the Kubernetes Test Tool (kuttl) there's great tooling available. Let's explore how to use it with Crossplane.
Crossplane – blog series
1. Tame the multi-cloud beast with Crossplane: Let’s start with AWS S3
2. Testing Crossplane Compositions with kuttl, Part 1: Preparing the TestSuite
3. Testing Crossplane Compositions with kuttl, Part 2: Given, When, Assert
4. Create, build & publish Crossplane Configuration Packages with GitHub Actions & Container Registry
Should you test Crossplane Compositions?
If you're new to Crossplane, you might want to learn about all the fancy concepts such as Composite Resource Definitions (XRDs), Compositions and how to use them. And that's great! Crossplane provides a fantastic tooling to drive your Platform Engineering initiative. I wrote about how to get started here. Digging deeper, you learn about more advanced topics such as how to write your own Compositions and how to package them as Configurations. But isn't there something missing?
Lately I gave a Crossplane training at a customer and was surprised to hear that testing infrastructure code is often limited to linting. But regardless of the tooling: If we do Infrastructure-as-Code, we shouldn't forget the principles of modern software engineering, right? And one of these is:
code that is not automatically and constantly executed and tested will eventually rot sooner or later!
This also applies to Kubernetes manifests. Especially since the world around our manifests doesn't stand still. For example, there are constantly new Crossplane releases or Crossplane Provider releases coming. How do you make sure your Crossplane Composition is still compatible with these and provisions the same infrastructure as with the previous releases?
I wrote about the topic of testing infrastructure code with Molecule back in 2018. The meme I used in my post back then just applies today:
Meme source:
So the question is: how can we test our Crossplane Compositions (and Composite Resource Definitions)?
Why Kubernetes Test Tool (kuttl) for Crossplane testing?
You might ask why this post isn't based on uptest, which was donated to the CNCF a while ago. That's because uptest seems to be a work in progress. See this issue comment from an Upbound employee (the company behind Crossplane):
"I think we have to be honest and document somewhere that currently uptest is not really usable without surrounding make targets and the build module :)"
I tried to set up uptest in a Crossplane Configuration repository and was stuck in the middle of nowhere. Documentation is nearly non-existent and I finally resigned – especially when I stumbled upon the mentioned GitHub issue.
But luckily uptest itself is based on the Kubernetes Test Tool (kuttl) and generates a kuttl test case under the hood. You're even encouraged to inspect the generated kuttl tests in the troubleshooting section of the uptest documentation. So why shouldn't we use native kuttl for our Crossplane tests directly?!
Getting started with kuttl
So what is the Kubernetes Test Tool? The kuttl docs have a great explanation for us:
"KUTTL is a declarative integration testing harness for testing operators, KUDO, Helm charts, and any other Kubernetes applications or controllers. Test cases are written as plain Kubernetes resources and can be run against a mocked control plane, locally in kind, or any other Kubernetes cluster."
In other words: kuttl is a test harness for any Kubernetes application. That also makes it a great fit for Crossplane!
Logo sources: Crossplane logo, kuttl logo
So before talking too long, let's dive into the first steps with kuttl. As kuttl uses the Kubernetes in Docker (kind) tooling to run local Kubernetes clusters, we need to have a local Docker installation in place. Also, be sure to have the following command line tools installed: kubectl
, helm
& kind
. As we will be using AWS as our infrastructure resource provider later, there should also be a working installation of the awscli
. You can testdrive your awscli configuration with the command aws configure
Installing kuttl kubectl plugin
Having Docker and the mentioned CLI tools in place, we need to install the kuttl kubectl plugin. On a Mac (or Linux with brew installed) you can simply use the homebrew package:
1brew tap kudobuilder/tap 2brew install kuttl-cli
An alternative way is to leverage the kubectl plugins package manager krew to install the kuttl kubectl plugin. Therefore have a look into the krew installation docs. Installing krew might be a bit more work compared to the homebrew variant, but it also works for other kubectl plugins. If you have krew in place, install kuttl via the command kubectl krew install kuttl
1$ kubectl krew install kuttl 2 3WARNING: To be able to run kubectl plugins, you need to add 4the following to your ~/.zshrc: 5 6 export PATH="${KREW_ROOT:-$HOME/.krew}/bin:$PATH" 7 8and restart your shell.
Add the export PATH...
statement to your shell configuration as mentioned in the installation log output.
Now the kubectl kuttl plugin should work as expected:
1$ kubectl kuttl --version 2kubectl-kuttl version 0.15.0
How to use kuttl with Crossplane
kuttl defines the following building blocks:
- A "test suite" (aka
) is comprised of many test cases that are run in parallel. - A "test case" is a collection of test steps that are run serially – if any test step fails then the entire test case is considered failed.
- A "test step" (aka
) defines a set of Kubernetes manifests to apply and a state to assert on (wait for or expect).
In order to use Crossplane with kuttl, we need to install Crossplane and a Crossplane Provider (like AWS) in the kuttl TestSuite
. We also need to configure the Crossplane Provider with a ProviderConfig and its matching credentials via a Secret. It depends on the kind of testing we want to do if the Secret needs to hold only fake (Rendering-only tests) or real (Integration Tests) credentials:
Logo sources: Crossplane logo, kuttl logo, kind logo, Docker logo, AWS logo, Azure logo, Google Cloud logo
With that configured in our kuttl TestSuite
, we can create a kuttl test case, containing some kuttl TestSteps
. These will be shown in the next part of this blog post series.
Now before we can start writing our first kuttl tests, we need to have an example Crossplane Composition in place. As I needed it for a meetup talk and an magazine article, I created a simple Composition to provision a public accessible S3 Bucket. The example code used throughout this blog post is fully available on GitHub.
An example Composition
The example project provides a Crossplane Configuration that will make use of the Upbound Provider for AWS S3 and create a public accessible S3 Bucket in AWS. The Composite Resource Definition defines a Composite Resource Claim called ObjectStorage
with the two parameters bucketName
and region
. It can be found in the file apis/objectstorage/definition.yaml in the example repository:
1apiVersion: 2kind: CompositeResourceDefinition 3metadata: 4 name: 5spec: 6 group: 7 names: 8 kind: XObjectStorage 9 plural: xobjectstorages 10 claimNames: 11 kind: ObjectStorage 12 plural: objectstorages 13 14 versions: 15 - name: v1alpha1 16 served: true 17 referenceable: true 18 schema: 19 openAPIV3Schema: 20 type: object 21 properties: 22 spec: 23 type: object 24 properties: 25 parameters: 26 type: object 27 properties: 28 bucketName: 29 type: string 30 region: 31 type: string 32 required: 33 - bucketName 34 - region
The Composition is defined in the file apis/objectstorage/composition.yaml. Since it became way more complex to setup a S3 Bucket in AWS that is publicly accessible somewhere in April 2023 , the Composition needs to use a set of Managed Resources. According to this issue and these Terraform docs we need to define the Bucket
creation along with a definition of a BucketPublicAccessBlock
, BucketOwnershipControls
, the BucketACL
and a BucketWebsiteConfiguration
1apiVersion: 2kind: Composition 3metadata: 4 name: objectstorage-composition 5 labels: 6 7 provider: aws 8spec: 9 compositeTypeRef: 10 apiVersion: 11 kind: XObjectStorage 12 13 writeConnectionSecretsToNamespace: crossplane-system 14 15 resources: 16 - name: bucket 17 base: 18 apiVersion: 19 kind: Bucket 20 metadata: {} 21 spec: 22 deletionPolicy: Delete 23 24 patches: 25 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 26 toFieldPath: "" 27 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.region" 28 toFieldPath: "spec.forProvider.region" 29 30 - name: bucketpublicaccessblock 31 base: 32 apiVersion: 33 kind: BucketPublicAccessBlock 34 spec: 35 forProvider: 36 blockPublicAcls: false 37 blockPublicPolicy: false 38 ignorePublicAcls: false 39 restrictPublicBuckets: false 40 41 patches: 42 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 43 toFieldPath: "" 44 transforms: 45 - type: string 46 string: 47 fmt: "%s-pab" 48 - type: PatchSet 49 patchSetName: bucketNameAndRegionPatchSet 50 51 - name: bucketownershipcontrols 52 base: 53 apiVersion: 54 kind: BucketOwnershipControls 55 spec: 56 forProvider: 57 rule: 58 - objectOwnership: ObjectWriter 59 60 patches: 61 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 62 toFieldPath: "" 63 transforms: 64 - type: string 65 string: 66 fmt: "%s-osc" 67 - type: PatchSet 68 patchSetName: bucketNameAndRegionPatchSet 69 70 - name: bucketacl 71 base: 72 apiVersion: 73 kind: BucketACL 74 spec: 75 forProvider: 76 acl: "public-read" 77 78 patches: 79 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 80 toFieldPath: "" 81 transforms: 82 - type: string 83 string: 84 fmt: "%s-acl" 85 - type: PatchSet 86 patchSetName: bucketNameAndRegionPatchSet 87 88 - name: bucketwebsiteconfiguration 89 base: 90 apiVersion: 91 kind: BucketWebsiteConfiguration 92 spec: 93 forProvider: 94 indexDocument: 95 - suffix: index.html 96 97 patches: 98 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 99 toFieldPath: "" 100 transforms: 101 - type: string 102 string: 103 fmt: "%s-websiteconf" 104 - type: PatchSet 105 patchSetName: bucketNameAndRegionPatchSet 106 107 patchSets: 108 - name: bucketNameAndRegionPatchSet 109 patches: 110 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.bucketName" 111 toFieldPath: "" 112 - fromFieldPath: "spec.parameters.region" 113 toFieldPath: "spec.forProvider.region"
If you have your own Composition in place, you can start from there. Or you just take the example Composition provided here. Anyway, we can now start writing our first Crossplane powered kuttl test suite.
Creating a kuttl TestSuite: The kuttl-test.yaml
For this, we need to create a kuttl-test.yaml
defining our TestSuite
in the root of our project :
1apiVersion: 2kind: TestSuite 3testDirs: 4 - tests/e2e/ 5startKIND: true 6kindContext: crossplane-test
This file is the starting point of the kuttl configuration. Right now it mainly defines two things: The directory where our tests will be stored and if kuttl should fire up a kind cluster for us. Since we defined our testDirs
to be tests/e2e/
, we now also need to create a new directory tests
containing another directory e2e
in the root of our project:
1mkdir -p tests/e2e
We should also add the following lines to our .gitignore
to prevent us from checking in temporary kind logs or kubeconfig
files to Git:
1kubeconfig 2kind-logs-*
Installing Crossplane in kuttl TestSuite
To be able to write tests for Crossplane, we need to have it installed in our cluster first. Luckily kuttl has a commands
keyword ready for us in the TestSuite
and TestStep
objects. Starting the command with a binary, we can execute anything we'd like.
Since we need Crossplane installed and ready for all our tests, we will install it in the TestSuite instead of every TestStep. Therefore, inside our kuttl-test.yaml
we add command
statements to install Crossplane into the kind test cluster:
1apiVersion: 2kind: TestSuite 3commands: 4 # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see 5 - command: helm dependency update crossplane/install 6 - command: helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane/install --create-namespace --wait 7testDirs: 8 - tests/e2e/ 9startKIND: true 10kindContext: crossplane-test
The installation of Crossplane works "Renovate" enabled via a local Helm Chart. You might recall the intro to this post, where we stated that our Compositions should be tested automatically when new Crossplane versions arrive. Here's how to make sure the update will be triggered by Renovate automatically. For this purpose we define a Chart.yaml
in a new directory crossplane/install
1apiVersion: v2 2type: application 3name: crossplane 4version: 0.0.0 # unused 5appVersion: 0.0.0 # unused 6dependencies: 7 - name: crossplane 8 repository: 9 version: 1.15.1
Additionally, we add the following to our .gitignore
to prevent us from checking in generated Helm files:
1# Exclude Helm charts lock and packages 2**/**/charts 3**/**/Chart.lock
That's it. If we configure Renovate in the repository later, our Composition will be tested for new Crossplane versions automatically :)
Already at this point, we can use the kubectl kuttl test
command to verify if our Crossplane installation works as expected:
1kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete
The --skip-cluster-delete
flag comes in handy, since it will preserve our crossplane-test
kind cluster for later runs (without the flag it would be deleted everytime). You may double-check if the kind cluster still runs after the kubectl kuttl test
command. A docker ps
should show the cluster also:
1docker ps 2CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 3782fa5bb39a9 kindest/node:v1.25.3 "/usr/local/bin/entr…" 2 minutes ago Up About a minute>6443/tcp crossplane-test-control-plane
You can even connect to the kind cluster directly setting the KUBECONFIG
env variable like this (simply replace your profile and repository path):
1export KUBECONFIG="/home/yourProfileNameHere/yourRepositoryPathHere/kubeconfig"
you can access the kuttle created kind cluster in your current shell:
1$ kubectl get nodes 2NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION 3crossplane-test-control-plane Ready control-plane 4m25s v1.25.3
To get your normal kubectx
config working again, simply run unset KUBECONFIG
Since kuttl doesn't remove its kind cluster when we use the --skip-cluster-delete
flag, we also need to know how to delete the kind cluster ourselves:
1kind delete clusters crossplane-test
Installing AWS Provider in kuttl TestSuite
Now that we successfully installed Crossplane into our kuttl kind cluster, we also need to install a Provider. As our Composition is based on AWS and provisions a publicly accessible S3 Bucket, we need to use the Provider upbound/provider-aws-s3. To install it we should first create a new directory provider
inside our already existant crossplane
1mkdir -p crossplane/provider
Inside of crossplane/provider
we create our Provider specification in the file upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml
1apiVersion: 2kind: Provider 3metadata: 4 name: upbound-provider-aws-s3 5spec: 6 package: 7 packagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Only download the package if it isn’t in the cache. 8 revisionActivationPolicy: Automatic # Otherwise our Provider never gets activate & healthy 9 revisionHistoryLimit: 1
Having the Provider spec in place, we can integrate it into our kuttl TestSuite. Thus inside our kuttl-test.yaml
we add additional command
statements to install the Provider into the kind test cluster and wait for it to become healthy:
1apiVersion: 2kind: TestSuite 3commands: 4 # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see 5 - command: helm dependency update crossplane-install 6 - command: helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait 7 8 # Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family 9 - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml 10 # Wait until AWS Provider is up and running 11 - command: kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3 12testDirs: 13 - tests/e2e/ 14startKIND: true 15kindContext: crossplane-test
As you can see we also wait until the Provider reached a healthy
state, before we proceed. That's crucial for the next steps to work.
Configuring AWS Provider in kuttl for testing Resource rendering (without AWS access)
Often we do not need to really create resources on AWS throughout our tests. It might be enough to just verify if the Managed Resources are rendered correctly. Just as we intended while writing our Composition. Or we can even start with a test-driven approach and start with our kuttl test right away.
To get the Crossplane AWS Provider to render the Managed Resources without actual AWS connectivity, we use the trick described here and create a Secret
without actual AWS creds. Let's therefore create a file non-access-secret.yaml
in the crossplane/provider/
1apiVersion: v1 2kind: Secret 3metadata: 4 name: aws-creds 5 namespace: crossplane-system 6type: Opaque 7stringData: 8 key: nocreds
Now inside our kuttl-test.yaml
we add additional command
statements to create the Secret and configure the AWS Provider without actual AWS access:
1apiVersion: 2kind: TestSuite 3commands: 4 # Install crossplane via Helm Renovate enabled (see 5 - command: helm dependency update crossplane/install 6 - command: helm upgrade --install --force crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane/install --create-namespace --wait 7 8 # Install the crossplane Upbound AWS S3 Provider Family 9 - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml 10 # Wait until AWS Provider is up and running 11 - command: kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3 12 13 # Create AWS Provider secret without AWS access 14 - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/non-access-secret.yaml 15 # Create ProviderConfig to consume the Secret containing AWS credentials 16 - command: kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml 17testDirs: 18 - tests/e2e/ 19startKIND: true 20kindContext: crossplane-test
As you can see, we added another line. In it, we configure the AWS Provider via a ProviderConfig
. For this to work, we need to create a file provider-config-aws.yaml
inside the crossplane/provider
1apiVersion: 2kind: ProviderConfig 3metadata: 4 name: default 5spec: 6 credentials: 7 source: Secret 8 secretRef: 9 namespace: crossplane-system 10 name: aws-creds 11 key: creds
Now we should be able to successfully run kubectl kuttl test --skip-cluster-delete
1$ kubectl kuttl test 2=== RUN kuttl 3 harness.go:462: starting setup 4 harness.go:249: running tests with KIND. 5 harness.go:173: temp folder created /tmp/kuttl1667306899 6 harness.go:155: Starting KIND cluster 7 kind.go:66: Adding Containers to KIND... 8 harness.go:275: Successful connection to cluster at: 9 logger.go:42: 10:54:17 | | running command: [helm dependency update crossplane-install] 10 logger.go:42: 10:54:17 | | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-kuttl/kubeconfig 11 logger.go:42: 10:54:17 | | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-kuttl/kubeconfig 12 logger.go:42: 10:54:17 | | Getting updates for unmanaged Helm repositories... 13 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | ...Successfully got an update from the "" chart repository 14 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | Saving 1 charts 15 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | Downloading crossplane from repo 16 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | Deleting outdated charts 17 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | running command: [helm upgrade --install crossplane --namespace crossplane-system crossplane-install --create-namespace --wait] 18 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is group-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-kuttl/kubeconfig 19 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | WARNING: Kubernetes configuration file is world-readable. This is insecure. Location: /home/jonashackt/dev/crossplane-kuttl/kubeconfig 20 logger.go:42: 10:54:18 | | Release "crossplane" does not exist. Installing it now. 21 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | NAME: crossplane 22 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 9 10:54:18 2024 23 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | NAMESPACE: crossplane-system 24 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | STATUS: deployed 25 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | REVISION: 1 26 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | TEST SUITE: None 27 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3.yaml] 28 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | created 29 logger.go:42: 10:54:41 | | running command: [kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy --timeout=180s provider/upbound-provider-aws-s3] 30 logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | | condition met 31 logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | | running command: [kubectl create secret generic aws-creds -n crossplane-system --from-file=creds=./aws-creds.conf] 32 logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | | secret/aws-creds created 33 logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | | running command: [kubectl apply -f crossplane/provider/provider-config-aws.yaml] 34 logger.go:42: 10:55:50 | | created 35 ...
If your output looks similar to this, everything should be prepared for testing resource rendering with Crossplane!
Next up: kuttl TestSteps with Crossplane
In this post, we learned about kuttl and that it can be a great match for Crossplane. We fully set up kuttl to have Crossplane installed and a Crossplane Provider configured. With this in place, we are now able to render our Composition with AWS-based Managed Resources. There's also a full example Composition ready that we will be able to test with kuttl.
So the next part of this blog series will go into the details of how to create test steps with kuttl. The next post explores how to structure the kuttl test steps into a scheme lend from the Behavior-driven Development (BDD). In the end, everybody in the project should be able to read the tests structure and log output. The next post also outlines how we can create Integration Tests with kuttl and provision real infrastructure in them using Crossplane. Finally everything will be packed into a GitHub Actions pipeline.
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