MonjaDB – A MongoDB GUI Client Tool
5.6.2012 | 1 minutes reading time
MongoDB is a highly scalable, document oriented NoSQL datastore from 10gen. For more information have a look at the MongoDB homepage: . A short introduction to MongoDB can be found at this blog post .
MonjaDB is a GUI client tool for MongoDB developed by JUMPERZ.NET. On a single MongoDB node, you can browse your databases, collections and documents. Single documents can easily be created created, edited or removed.
It also includes a command line shell where you can use the same commands as with the standard mongo
MonjaDB comes as an Eclipse Plugin. It can be manually installed (see instructions at the homepage) or simply use this update URL:
I don’t want to start a discussion on GUI tools vs. command line interfaces. Use the one that fits you better.
What’s missing in MonjaDB is the support for managing multiple MongoDB connections at the same time. But hey, with the mongo
CLI you are managing exactly one node, too. Not all commands are exposed as context menu items, e.g. creating new databases or collections. But these commands can be used in the included shell.
The strength of MonjaDB are the editing capabilities for single documents. That’s really nice and comfortable.
For MongoDB starters it is a good tool to get a feeling for how your data is organized. Hardcore MongoDB admins will likely stick to their mongo
So give MonjaDB a try!
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