Many languages have an implicitly declared identifier called this. In languages like Java or C#, this commonly refers to a surrounding object, e.g., to the object on which a method was called. JavaScript also has such an identifier and it is called this. In contrast to the aforementioned languages, JavaScript is not object-oriented, but prototype-based. As such, the identifier is quite different, even though it is also called this. In this blog post, I want to describe what this refers to in JavaScript and thus hopefully shed some light on an otherwise rarely explained concept. First, let us see what this refers to in a simple function call.
1// JSFiddle:
2var testFunctionContext = function() {
3 console.log('Function call context is window?', this === window);
6console.log('Global context is window?', this === window);
When executing this code in your browser, you will see that both log statements show that this refers to window. By default, the value of this refers to the global DOM window object . Though interesting, you would not want to access the window object through this in such cases, as the global identifier window would convey a much greater meaning and would be less fragile. This is because the identifier this is not stable.
The value of this can change with every function call and can even be influenced and set by the developer. This is the case because it is considered a function’s context . The simplest way to influence the context is the call of a function on an object, i.e., JavaScript’s counterpart to method calls in object-oriented languages. Consider the following example which lists the source code of a class Person, the instantiation of an instance of this class and a function call to the instance’s getName() function.
1// JSFiddle:
2var Person = function(name) {
3 = name;
5Person.prototype.getName = function() {
6 return;
9var tom = new Person('Tom Builder');
With an object-oriented background, you would expect that this code results in the log statement “Tom Builder” and indeed it does. In such cases JavaScript behaves the way you might be used to, but it does so for a different reason. For JavaScript, the Person instance is considered the receiver of a function call and is therefore set as the current context. In the getName() function we can therefore access the property name through the this identifier. Consider the following example in which I misuse the getName() function.
1// JSFiddle:
2var Person = function(name) {
3 = name;
5Person.prototype.getName = function() {
6 return;
9var tom = new Person('Tom Builder'),
10 getNameFn = tom.getName;
Now we are doing almost the same as before, but instead of calling the getName() function directly, we are storing the value of getName in a variable and call it later on. I cannot even guarantee what this will print, as this depends on the default context and the way your are executing this example. For instance, when executing this code on JSFiddle, it prints the String “result”, whereas it prints an empty String in the Webkit developer tools.
Explicit Context Definition
Using objects’ functions as, for instance, listeners, is not straightforward with JavaScript and a common source of bugs. Remember: This is because JavaScript follows a different paradigm. The expression tom.getName simply means: give me the value of the property getName on the object which is available through the identifier tom. When calling the function at a later point, the interpreter has no means to determine a proper context and therefore falls back to the global one, i.e., the DOM window object. Before showing you a common JavaScript pattern to alleviate this problem, let me show you two ways with which you can call a function with a user-defined context.
As of now, you have only seen how to call functions directly, i.e., using the standard notation as we have seen before. JavaScript provides you with two additional means to call functions, set their context and pass arguments either in a var-arg like manner or through an array. You can do so through Object, args…: Object) : Object and Function.apply(context: Object, args: Array) : Object as the following listing shows.
1// JSFiddle:
2var linkEntities = function(leftSide, rightSide) {
3 console.log(leftSide, this.relationship, rightSide);
6var context = { relationship: 'likes' },
7 leftSide = 'John Mason',
8 rightSide = 'Falling Skies';
9, leftSide, rightSide);
11linkEntities.apply(context, [leftSide, rightSide]);
13// not recommended!
14context.linkEntities = linkEntities;
15context.linkEntities(leftSide, rightSide);
All three calls to linkEntities() actually result in the same output, i.e, “John Mason likes Falling Skies”. The invocation through the call function is the var-arg variant. You can just pass the arguments directly and it therefore is similar to a normal function call. For additional flexibility, you can use the apply function. This function is commonly used for libraries that implement the Observer pattern as this simplifies calling observers’ listener functions with an arbitrary number of arguments. The last way to do it is not recommended as this is semantically not correct. We are changing the context object in order for it to allow standard function invocation with a user-defined context – never do this!
Maintaing Context
At last, let us see how you can maintain or enforce the invocation of a function with a specific context. Our goal this time: greet the user with his name after one second. JavaScript’s way to defer execution is a call to setTimeout(callback: Function, timeout: Number). There is one problem though: the user’s name will be available through this. A quick try might result in the following code, which unfortunately does not work.
1// JSFiddle:
2var sayHello = function() {
3 alert('Hello ' + this);
6setTimeout(sayHello, 1000);
Our sayHello function is called after one second, but unfortunately it does not print our user’s name. How could it! We did not define with which context sayHello() should be invoked. As a result, the interpreter, once again, falls back to the default. Enforcing a context is commonly needed in JavaScript and therefore such functionality is also available through jQuery , underscore.js and other libraries. Because the implementation of such a method is so simple and because we want to grasp the whole concept, we are re-implementing it for educational purposes (just like many of us probably implemented their own object-relational mapper for one or another reason).
Typically, closures are used to memorise the desired, i.e., proxied, context and function. We therefore create a function proxy(context: Object, fn: Function) : Function which creates a new function (a closure) which memorises the context and the target function (sayHello() in this case). Once invoked, this generated function will invoke our target function sayHello() with the memorised context. In terms of JavaScript, we end up with the following code.
1// JSFiddle:
2var sayHello = function() {
3 alert('Hello ' + this);
6var proxy = function(context, fn) {
7 return function() {
8 fn.apply(context, arguments);
9 };
12var sayHelloProxy = proxy('Tom Mason', sayHello);
14setTimeout(sayHelloProxy, 1000);
This version alerts us with “Hello Tom Mason” after one second, just as we wanted. Arguments that might have been passed to the proxy are not lost, but retained and available in the target function (albeit not used in this example). This is done with the help of the arguments object .
You have seen why JavaScript’s this is different than this in object-oriented languages and why the value is not stable. Also, you have seen three different means to call a function with a context. I hope I was able to convey that a function context is a crucial, yet fragile concept and that you should take extra care when relying upon it. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to drop a comment below.
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