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International #TableTopDay at codecentric

30.3.2013 | 1 minutes reading time


All the geeks at codecentric were pretty excited about TableTopDay, a table top board gaming holiday invented by the fine folks at GeekAndSundry, Felica Day and Wil Wheaton. As response to their extremly successful YouTube Show “TableTop” , which accumulated already over 8.5 million views, they proclaimed March 30th to be International TableTopDay. Over 2500 groups registered their event on tabletopday.com and so did we.

While I expected only codecentrics to attend, we ended with one guy working for one of our customers, one random guy who registered on our Google+ Event page and 4 strangers who showed up without any notice. But also all the codecentrics brought their families. It was successful and fun event, for us and for all board game nerds worldwide, as proven by the hashtag #TableTopDay , which was trending on Twitter the whole Saturday, and many people posting pictures or even livestreaming their event.

Games we played:

And maybe others; I was busy winning, could not watch all games being played 🙂 Thanks to all people attending making this possible, and special thanks to codecentric for hosting this event! Looking forward to next year, or earlier whenever possible!

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